View Profile Makaga
Space expands faster than time... It would only explain why the edge of the universe is not visible.



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Joined on 1/17/10

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Makaga's News

Posted by Makaga - March 6th, 2010

The other day, I saw, "The Nature of Things" narrated by David Suzuki.
It was an interesting episode.
This episode talked about, our own planet Earth. How, the Earth evolved over time and what were we made of. It had a lot of information about what creatures are there and how life works.
Anyways, there was a section of the show that really interested me. There was this part about microbes that didn't need oxygen to survive. They lived by taking the nutrients from rocks and minerals. This was the supposed first life. Evolution occurred when certain cells were exposed to sunlight, they began to change and adapt to more plant like cells that use photosynthesis. From there everything expanded and what not. Then there was this blue-green algae stuff that was sort of derived from the microbes. It was an algae that would live without oxygen. If this algae were exposed to oxygen, it would almost instantly die. This algae would grow in warmer waters because warmer waters have less oxygen. The way they would grow is if the water became still. With no movement of the water, less oxygen and cool air would be in the water. When this happens, the algae begins to grow, and it covers everything, and everything alive instantly, killing anything.
Okay, so your probably wondering, "What the heck does this have to do with anything?". Well, you know how the ice caps are melting? If this happens, less cool water is there. Waters will warm up, and the natural wave circulation that prevents the algae growth will stop. If the waters become warm and the currents stop, the algae will grow, wiping out everything. That means, we won't be able to survive because there would be no safe water.
Therefore blue-green algae = end of world.

Posted by Makaga - February 28th, 2010

Unfortunately, today is the closing ceremony.

Posted by Makaga - February 6th, 2010

I got a new computer!
It's really awesome.
It has half a terabyte of space to save stuff on plus it has a great AMD chip!
I will try to start some animation projects, but I have to do a lot.
-transfer files
-download stuff
-update things
-get upgrades.

Posted by Makaga - February 4th, 2010

Well, tell me what you think.

Posted by Makaga - January 31st, 2010

After seeing "The Scale Of The Universe", it really tells me that we are only a small dot in space. Size is interesting. The Universe is so big, and we are so very small. We want to find out everything there is to know and understand about literally everything. Yet it maybe better off not knowing. Experiments and theories are made in attempt to explain how things are. Sometimes, words cannot explain things. The Universe is an interesting thing, it's complex with many un-answered questions. "How does this work? How come this happens, what made this." We won't know, and maybe we never will. A simple answer to most difficult questions can involve religion. But how can a "God" (FYI: trying not to exclude other religions) always be? Personally, I think it's strange, how can one always exist? And if something or someone else were to have created said "God" (I'm not questioning the authority of any religion), than that raises even further questions. It would be an endless cycle of who or what made who and or what. Another question is about death and the Universe? Is "heaven" perhaps at the end of the Universe? Or could it be the very sky and space that surrounds us. Could the stars actually be the souls of the deceased? What about other dimensions? Everything is so very interesting. What is life? Why are we alive? And why are we what we are? What is the purpose of life? So many questions, no answers. Science and Religion are the basic ideas of what is what, they are the answers to the questions. The only thing is, there is always a missing side of the story, a missing explanation. Most people will accept the way things are. Some will ask. For now, I will do both, accept and ask.

Sometimes, the less you know, the better...

Posted by Makaga - January 27th, 2010

I am finally at town watch for blam/protect points.
I'm moving up slowly.

Posted by Makaga - January 18th, 2010

Where are dumb posts?
Dumb posts are everywhere. They are found on Newgrounds, yahoo, everywhere online.

What is in a dumb post? . .
Anything that isn't important, like this post here. )-(
Things that involve personal problems, complaints, ranting, stupid topics
(Example: why is my poop orange) Ew.
People who try to sound important ("I have over 72 animations").

Why do people post dumb posts?
1) to sound cool
2) to make them feel important
3) because they have NOTHING better to do
4) they are trying to get recognized
5) they are dumb

When do people post stupid things?
1) Whenever they have nothing better to do.
2) All the time, when they are alone.
3) Sometime.

How do people post stupid things?
They think of something that is not necessary to say and just go ahead and say it, usually resulting in basically little to no response(s) at all. Also causing a waste of time and upload space.

Do I care about stupid posts?
1) Sometimes
2) GTFO ur toilet

Will there be an end?

Am I done talking?

Posted by Makaga - January 17th, 2010

Yay! I can't believe I did such a dum accomplishment!
Check it out, comment and or favorite (*Thinks* "Really, favorite my art? Okay then").
Oh well, at least I have something on Newgrounds.
Anyways, I don't think I'll be able to post some things for a while because the two following reasons:
1 Nobody cares about my art
2 I'm busy
I am currently learning flash, I'm waiting fr CS5, whenever that will come out.
What am I going to do now?
Well, I guess I'll look at flashes, art, and music to get used to this site, comment on some things and I will also play some games to get medals.
That's all... for now.
P.S Newgrounds is awesome, Beware the trolls.

Posted by Makaga - January 17th, 2010

I am finally on Newgrounds. Hooray!
I don't have any flash submissions in yet because I'm learning flash right now (any tips would be great), plus I need a new computer. But, I do have some Art submissions in, so if you want to check it out
(Not asking to be scouted) go ahead, and comment and give me some pointers.

I hope to get somewhere with Flash, okay I'll shut up for now.