Hey everyone.
I would like to talk to you about my username.
A while ago, I thought for a while, about my username.
I was thinking "What the hell is a Makaga?", and then I said "Does it sound like an Asian name? What is Makaga?" I have no clue.
After a while, I accepted the name Makaga... Until I Google searched it.
Guess what came up?
Something completely un-related. There was a song or something and it was titled something like "Didier Makaga" What the heck is that supposed to mean? Ugh...
Great, there is a weird song with my "Makaga" in it.
And here is something else. You know how I'm a pixel artist? Well guess what, there is a site (I think it's www.makaga.com) and it is about design or something like that.
Crap, now there are two things that people might think about me.
What if someone thinks I am that weird design site, even worse, what if people think I am a fan freak of that "Didier Makaga" song?
This is sucks, and you know what else else? People probably don't know how to pronounce my username (Muck-ah-Guh).
Well, that's all.
>:< right back
I'm not sure I quite understand.